SIP Women in Focus – Felicity

Felicity | Taxation Manager

Felicity has always loved numbers, but tax has had a special place in her heart for the last 16 years.

Joining the SIP tax team in 2021 Felicity works on specialist tax issues and is skilled at understanding the ins and outs of ever-changing legislation to find the best solution for her clients.

Experienced and accurate, Felicity has been honing her skills since a very young age when she began doing the bookkeeping and payroll for her parents’ business. Her father was a Maths teacher and both Felicity and her brother followed in his footsteps with a passion for numbers. Year 10 Accounting sealed the deal, and she knew her career plan from a young age first studying at Latrobe University and then a Masters of Tax at UNSW.

Balancing a career and a family is a challenge and as a young professional Felicity had to make choices that were best for her family. “Putting your career on hold and fitting back into a team after parental leave is a challenge but these are the sacrifices we make as women.” she says.  This challenge crescendoed over the last two years of Covid related lockdown in Melbourne, juggling home-schooling two young children alongside work commitments. Not for the feint hearted, but she credits teamwork with her husband as the factor that saw them through.

Breaking the bias for Felicity means understanding women can do it all.

“The workforce needs to understand that people with children can be capable of juggling more.” Felicity stresses the importance of empathy and helping women uncover a work-life balance.

According to Felicity,

Behind every successful woman there is…

a lot of planning, prioritising and juggling!

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